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Back to School's 1-2-3 Confidence, Happy Tummies and sufficient Zzzz's

The "Back to School" season is in full swing. ... Whether your child is an anxious new freshman or a confident senior, heading back to school is a time of transition: new classes, new teachers, new schedules. And we as parents only wish for them to feel confident that they will be able to achieve the things that they want; academically, socially and emotionally.


All of us, including children, see ourselves in a certain way. We have a mental picture of ourselves. This picture includes who we (think) we are, what we (think) we can do and how we think others see us. It may be good or bad or some of both.

Children’s feelings about themselves are very important to their future. And parents can play an important role in helping children develop and maintain these positive feelings.

Young Yogis has a FREE yoga class available on the shopping page (or click on imagine below). Simple download it and follow instructions, enjoy it together with your child, we all need some self confidence boost once in a while!


How else can we assist our children to grow up to be best version of themselves?

Healthy Diet improves Self-Confidence.

Most of us know that what we put into our bodies has a direct effect on how we feel. You know how bad certain foods can make you feel when you eat them. Yes me too.

If you can be a role model for healthy eating and encourage your child and teen to make healthy food choices along with you, establishing a bas of healthy eating in youth, they will always come back to what is natural and healthy, because it feels so good. It doesn't have to be drastic but by making small changes, before you know it, everyone in the family will be healthier and happier for it.

Here is a super delicious and healthy snack I made today while thinking and processing (no not at all procrastinating!!!) of getting all the administration work done.


3/4 cup pitted dates

1 banana

1/2 cup blueberries

1 egg

2 tbsp oil (coconut/rice bran..)

I cup oats

1 cup spelt flour

A handful of walnuts (skip for nut-free), sunflower seeds, shredded coconut.

Plus some sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds for garnish!

"Mix dates, banana and blueberries in processor until fairly smooth. Add the egg + oil and mix. Add the dry ingredients and mix but without chopping up too finely.

Scoop into a mini cupcake tray and sprinkle with sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds. I am sure they can also be baked as a bar or cookies (but won't go crunchy). In the middle of oven 175 degrees for 15-20 mins, keep and eye on them."


Just one more thing on this topic!!! I don't know about You but in our household we certainly are having to work pretty hard to break away from the Summer School Holiday bedtime, or rather lack OF bedtime routine! The kids still want to stay up late, kick the soccer ball or skate at 8pm!!

How do you think SLEEP impacts on self-confidence?

Lack of sleep increases the odds of feeling overly sensitive... A friend that doesn’t want to play, leading to feelings of fear or frustration, and self-doubt... There’s a direct link between lack of sleep and behavioural in children – one study in Israel showed that losing just one hour a night can lower a child’s IQ. Many school-age children, especially teens, are sleep-deprived.

Please visit the event page to the details for the upcoming DREAMTIME YOGA workshop for all 5-12 year olds. It is created to empower the children to feel they have the tools to easily transition in to bed for a good night sleep.

Don't forget I am also a human, I would LOVE to hear from you! Please share your stories, experiences and wisdom on this topic.


Pia :)

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